The Minty Collection
The Mischievous Minty Cat Stories

The Mischievous Minty Cat Stories are delightfully engaging Children’s Short Stories with Minty the cat telling us about her adventures with her friends, In the Garden and the Wood.

The Mischievous Minty cat stories are short stories, with Minty the cat telling us the stories of her adventures, meeting all manner of creatures in the garden, the woodland, and the meadow, with pasture behind on the farmers land called The Ton Hill. She describes all she sees on her journeys, all about the trees, plants, and wildlife, the insects that inhabit the wood, on unusual plants, the origins of how and why the woodland evolved and she makes friends with everyone she meets. They are crafted to be humorous, and delightfully entertaining, while she describes in detail the new characters that teach young children, although they are talking animals, the importance of looking after our precious planet and being young conservationists, the stories are informative about life in the garden, the nature around us and they introduce sweet characters that they may never encounter telling us about the lives that they lead.

Book 1

In the Garden

We are introduced to our storyteller Araminta (Mischievous Minty)
Minty is in the garden where she will introduce us to her friends in a set of delightful short engaging stories, Some are re-occurring characters and others are one off characters, that they come across on their adventures. It is Wintertime in the garden, and we meet a little mouse looking for berries in the hollies. Its cold outside it is a snowy Winters Morning, as Minty the house-cat watches through her patio window, she meets the delightful twin squirrels, Squid and Syd, Mr Mo Mole pays an unexpected visit, The fun-loving frogs Fro & Flo move in. More about our fascinating Old Oak Tree, Herbert the mean hedgehog, Tobias Toad, who becomes Minty’s best friend, Tobias also tells the stories, when Minty does not accompany them on the adventures. Vinnie the vole falls into the garden, The adorable baby tawny owls Hoowie & Toowki, and accident-prone Dory Dormouse, where we meet the baby hoglet Heddie on an adventure, Minty visits with Hoowie in the oak tree, the Hedgehogs go foraging and those squirrels are back having more fun, in squirrels going nuts.
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'In the Garden' The Original Story Board
A mouse in the holly thats covered in snow

Book 2

Into the Wood We Go

Also introduces our storyteller Araminta ( Mischievous Minty)
Our stories continue with the theme of life in the garden with our cute hoglet Heddie hedgehog, star gazing under a Autumn Hunters Moon. Wintery weather brings out the fox, waiting out the long cold icy Winter months till Spring. That pesky heron, life in the garden with the baby froglets, Vinnie & Violet Vole, Ben & Bo the adolescent bats, let us meet Wallie water vole as our stories go into the woods, Dory meets Dorcas Dormouse, in the blackberry brambles, and takes her home with him. We meet more squirrels for the squirrels picnic, while we are introduced to all of the harmonious birds. The garden is next to a woodland where Minty and Tobias toad,  meet up with more special friends in the wood, so into the woods we go. Minty steps on Rickie Rat, So we are introduced to new characters in the wood, Rickie Rat and Luna Wood mouse.
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'Minty Looking Through the Window', into her Garden at the Oak Tree
Dorydormouse meets Dorcas in the Blackberry Brambles

Book 3

The Bluebell Wood

Also introduces our storyteller Araminta ( Mischievous Minty).
Our stories continue with the theme of life in the garden and adventures into the woods, with a new character arriving in the woods that is already introduced to us on our Website called Charlie Crow.
Dorcas dormouse is homesick, Charlie Crow moves into the hazel tree in the Bluebell wood. So into the woods we go, and we meet Wesley Water Shrew, the delightful baby Bernie Badger, Charlie Crow brings his brother Cheslie to live with him. Heddie has a fascination with honeybees, on the flowers. Marvin Magpie has an accident, The crows help a magpie in need. Marin Magpie comes looking for her beau. 

We are introduced to Ebony the black Beetle in the woods, Tobias meets the Natterjack Toads, The weeping willow in the stream, houses the newcomers the Natterjacks in the Bluebell wood. The family of badgers are out roaming the bluebell woods.  

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Charlie Crow
Breda & Bernie Badger in Bluebell wood
Finley Fish makes new friends in the stream painting by Kassie Shipley Jenkins for the Minty Collection

Book 4

Seasons of the Eco Wood

Also introduces our storyteller Araminta ( Mischievous Minty).
Our stories continue with the theme of life in the garden and adventures into the woods, with a new character arriving in the woods, as Lonely Wilf squirrel comes looking for company, Squid & Syd find him a new home in a pine tree and help him fill his stores with nuts,  Minty & Tobias meet Wilf in the woods.
We hear the story of how and when young Tobias came to live in the wood, we learn more of the Eco System of the ancient woodland, The Eco Wood! What it is like everyday living in the animal world. Stormy autumn weather, The Acorn gathering. We all learn About going into deep leaf litter hibernations and long cold frosty Winters, The bees over winter in the wood.
Minty finds a lost baby bunny in the woods and returns her to the meadow. Waking from a deep sleep slumber.
There is lots of activity in the garden, while the animals go on a nature walk, to see what has changed in the Wood, and discover the Eco has worked its magic and they find rare caterpillars, and butterflies, and rare moths.

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Mister Wilf squirrel painting by Kassie Shipley-Jenkins

Book 5

In the Meadow

Also introduces our storyteller Araminta ( Mischievous Minty).
We begin our stories with Springtime in the meadows, with these cheeky new characters, We begin with Fergus Ferret, arriving in the meadow, abruptly and landing in Sunny Stoats burrow, We re-meet Harry Hare in the Meadow being chased by Ferus Ferret or is the other way around, Dory makes himself a raincoat, while getting caught in the rain, while out in the wood, Heddie Hedgehog makes friends with Fergus Ferret in the hedgerows.
Later that day Heddie finds a shy girl Hedgehog called Haven in the Meadow. Haven Hedgehog is found sleeping with Slimy the slug in the Stripy Hedgehog House. The turns and a seagull called Gus are visiting with Charlie & Cheslie Crow, they have all come for a chat to Minty in the garden.
Norman the Tortoise is donated to us, with the lovable snails all a getting a new home. New life is on bank of the stream, with new stories about Ollie and Ossie Otter, Norman tells everyone the old fable of The Ton Hill, and the dangerous foxes move into the wood putting everyone in danger.

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The Ton Hills Original Stream An Original Watercolour Painting by Kassie Shipley Jenkins
Crows and Gulls In the Meadow
In the Meadow

Book 6

Natures Back Yard

Also introduces our storyteller Araminta ( Mischievous Minty).
Our stories continue with the theme of life in the garden and adventures into the woods. As Cheslie and Charlie Crow help out with aerial flying. Bernie Badger and the Crows Charlie and Cheslie encountered Lenny Fox in the wood, Why do the foxes leave the oak tree? We resume our Nursery Nature Class in the woods & find the Mischievous Squirrels in Natures Backyard. There is a mystery in the woods, Porsche sends Minty and Tobias to investigate the mysterious wind tunes. The owls get a big surprise, and it’s a huge welcome to baby Cookie Cuckoo and his sisters. Luna and Rickie adopt three of the tinniest wood mice and there’s chaos ahead. Dory helps them re-design their burrow. Marin Magpie is living her best life in the herb garden, she is introduced to all the birds in the wood. After hearing there sweet dawns chorus every morning Marin magpie wants to join the Birds Orchestral Choir but is turned down as she only has a cackling voice. The birds orchestral sonnet from the      Songbirds of the Wood.

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Woodland & Wildlife in Autumn, Sable The Squirrel from the Mischievous Minty Collection. Original Painting By Kassie Shipley-Jenkins.

Book 7

Natures Food Table

Also introduces our storyteller Araminta ( Mischievous Minty).
Our stories continue with the theme of life in the garden and adventures into the woods.
Dorcas persuades Dory that they need to go check the wonky tree, Wilf Squirrel discovers the heavenly sweet chestnuts, Huni hummingbird is seen by the stream, then follows them into the garden.
The Owls are having a terrible time and move Cookie Cuckoo into a nest in the crab apple tree. A new character is introduced with Albie Ant and the insect world. Slimy has been turfed out of his pitch in the hedgehog house, so he tries moving in with everyone, one by one, looking for a home. We meet the tiny Lily the ladybug, in the woods. Ebony Beetle wants to move to the garden.
What Insects are living in the Bay Tree? The sun is out, and the bees are buzzing in the sunshine, in the garden.
After a hot day we awake to a Sweet Morning Dew on the plants. How stunningly beautiful is that!
Heddie has a fright when he discovers Martha Moth in the wood pile. We have lots of woodlice in the sleepers, but no one as special as Woodina Woodlouse, she is not the prettiest bug around, but she makes friends with Slimy Slug, she has a sweet disposition. Who’s living in the Ivy? a little grey field mouse, called Mosely.

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A Spiders Web covered in dawns early dew

Book 8

The Cycle of Life

Also introduces our storyteller Araminta ( Mischievous Minty).
Our stories continue with the theme of life in the garden and adventures into the woods.
It is congratulations all round for Haven and Heddie as, they celebrate new family life when Haven has the baby Hoglets.        
Proud Grandparents, Grand momma Hettie & Grandpa Herb come to visit. A Visiting Duck from the farm, called Esmerelda finds a place to have her baby ducklings.
Cookie Cuckoo’s Sisters Move in to look after Cookie. The Squirrels Antics when the baby squirrels give Squid and Syd the run-around. Those mice are getting into trouble again in the mice’s playground, it’s strange when things are going missing in the garden. Morty mouse wants to be an inventor like Dory Dormouse. There is a great ball of fun for the mice, and the frogs want a go in the spherical play ball. Bernie badger meets Dory and this time he is not so scared.
Poor Old Wilf Squirrel is feeling his age. The New nursery class, of juniors, is too much trouble for old Tobias, but Old Wilf saves the day. A day at the coast as Charlie & Cheslie Crow, fly out with their magpie friends, now Marvin can fly distances.
A gaggling flock of geese fly into the woods from the Kenfig Nature Reserve. Those playful baby squirrels hide out with Cookie Cuckoo in his nest, everyone thinks they are lost in the woods.

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Book Cover Minty Collection Book 8
Bee on the Daisies
wild hawksweed huni hummingbird
fox family

Picture Books for Small Children

Written and Illustrated by © Kassie Shipley-Jenkins 2022

All of our Children’s Story Books, All storyboards, Audio and Videos are all subject to copyright, Please do not Download, or Copy without obtaining Authors Permission.
Our Wonderful Prose, Poetry and Stories for everyone young & old are posted for you to enjoy.
Please remember that these Stories, Paintings and Audio are taken from Kassie’s new book Reflections, and other editions of her books and must not be copied, downloaded, or used without obtaining permission from the Author.
Best wishes to All & Seasons Greetings. Love Kassie x

Tales of the Woodland

The Storyteller

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