Owl in the old oak tree new for website

House of Short Stories is an online children’s book publisher based in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, England UK. 

It is newly set up by its Author Kassie Shipley-Jenkins for the publishing of her own books which she writes, designs and illustrates with her paintings.

Kassie is also a fine arts painter. To view all of this artists other work, Please take a look in our © Fine Arts Gallery & Store 2025.

New for 2025.

Kassie's Garden Art Studio

Introducing the Fantastic Range of Children's Books at
House Of Short Stories
Written & Illustrated by © Kassie Shipley-Jenkins

House of Short Stories
Children's Books

House of short stories books
World of Children's Stories promotional banner

About the Watercolourist

Kassie's Work Study Journals

See Our Collection

Whether it's audio books, illustrated copies of our books or story telling on YouTube, see our full collection on our House of Short Stories website.

Meet The Writer

My name is Kassie Shipley-Jenkins. I am from Bromsgrove in Worcestershire, Uk. I am a Fine Arts Watercolourist, A Poet & An Author that Illustrates Childrens Story Books, I publish my own books at House of Short Stories.Publishing. I am the Poet & Storyteller from the houseofshortstories.com Where I house my books, With An Art Gallery where I feature my Fine Arts Paintings. My book of Prose Poetry ‘Reflections’ is on my website as Artists Other Works. There you will find my stories & poems with their paintings, also telling the engaging stories, from our Minty collection. In random prose pieces with some delightful poetry. I look for inspiration for my pieces from Nature, taking photographs to paint. I am on a mission to paint as many Landscape Watercolour Bluebell Woods around the country that I can, I find them delightfuly enchanting it’s the storyteller in me, KSJ

Please Come & Join Our Family

Welcome to our Website, Catch up on all of our news right here,
at House of Short Stories.

Kassie has made us a new Magazine Article showing ‘how she made her painting of Nostell priory bluebell woods.’

Please remember that this painting has ©️ copyright.
Please do not take a copy, only for purposes of this paint along.
Our Gallery Logo is on all of our Art to stop anyone using Kassie’s
Paintings without purchasing.
(Click to enlarge pictures)

If you would like to hear Kassie our Storyteller Recite the Audio from this mentioned piece of prose poetry. Please go to the Book Section, Look for Kassie’s other works, available for you to listen to for free, here on our website, ‘Reflections’

In our Fine Arts Gallery, we are featuring Kassie’s Bluebell Wood Watercolour Painting, If you like to admire & you would love to buy yourself this beautiful painting it is Available to buy here on-line in
our Store as a Giclee Print priced at £50.00

With Kassie’s wonderful Original Watercolour Paintings from her books,
There are Giclee Prints & Giclee cards of some of her Paintings.
Kassie has Painted Several Dinosaurs for Copyright reasons they cannot be shown.
The Study shows how you can choose different media to buy your chosen Art Piece,
with a study on each with a dinosaurs eye.

House of Short Stories Presentation - how to paint a Dinosaur Eye


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  Follow along with us for our latest news. Thank you for taking an interest in
our work. We hope to see you here soon. Love from Minty & Porschie xx

Whether it is our Audio Books where you can listen to one of our stories, Illustrated copies of our Children’s Short Story Books or Our Storyteller, telling you one of our stories on-line on story boards on our new Website or on the YouTube, A Video of one of our stories for you to watch or just to see our Illustrations, come and find us at houseofshortstories.com


Beatrice Cloake FRSA NAPA
Beatrice Cloake FRSA NAPARenown Fine Arts British Artist from Kent.
I have watched the video of The Mischievous Minty Called Minty and the Tales from the Woodland. From Book 6, that you posted on your Twitter feed, for You Tube.
I have immensely enjoyed listening to this delightful story. It is so well written and read.
I am so thrilled with my pet portrait of Penny my Dalmatian, I know that Kassie is an exceptionally talented artist, I used to buy her works of art as cakes. Her sculptured dragon was a piece of art, I didn't want to cut for my husband’s birthday. So I asked her with only a poor selfie of Penny, if she could do me a likeness of her. I was going to have Kassie draw her in pastels, as I have seen her graphite cat drawings, they are stunning. The detail she puts in is amazing, she suggested an elegant watercolour to keep it simple. With all of that white involved and she was not wrong. It is a fantastic painting of Penny with her huge eyes, staring back at me, it is a piece that I will cherish, long after she has gone. Thank you, Kassie for all of your help, you captured her likeness exactly. I highly recommend her work, she is the friendliest lady to talk to, when I called to see her, as I knew where her dad lived. I popped around in the evening on the off chance, she was busy making paint. I was so chuffed, when I went back to collect it, she had showed me some of her work in frames, to give me an idea of what they would look like. So I even brought a frame from her, she kindly put the painting in one for me.
JackAged 5
Hello, I found your free stories on you tube and I went to take a look at your website with my Mom, I really loved your Audio stories and found more in your Storyteller, it’s the best.
Your website is wicked, when will you be doing some more Audio stories.
I love the way you bring them to life. Charlie Crow is my favourite. My mom will buy the books for me, with him in defo. From Jack, Aged 5.
(See Charlie the Crow's reply below reviews)
Keith Boldy @kt boldy from Dudley
Keith Boldy @kt boldy from DudleyRenown Commission Pencil portrait Artist
I very much liked & Retweeted the Work of Kassie Shipley-Jenkins of House of Short Stories on Twitter.

I am Supporting all the Arts. Writer, Illustrator & Published Author and new Twitter follower, and she is a local Artist to me. Kassie Shipley-Jenkins.
Having read your children’s short stories of book one, In the garden for older children, then seeing and reading the picture book version for small children.
The animals personalities, I really love it! you’ve only used that technique to help them communicate their personal habits and natures. To me, this really reads as a warm and engaging way of introducing young children to the natural world within their reach. I found it very inspiring.
I particularly liked the way your picture book version uses fiction to teach children about the wildlife in their garden, to fit the format of a dual role for the book as both an enjoyable story and a gentle ‘natural history’ for children. “Beautiful books with a distinctive voice” – and your children’s story certainly fits that bill.
Your story is very original, and your descriptions of the animals and their habits are beautifully written. This book would be exactly the subject I enjoy.
I very much enjoyed your beautiful and evocative way of writing about wildlife.
The website is a fantastic piece of art showcasing the books. It draws you in so much it wants you to look and see more. The illustrations are wonderful they are perfect for the stories. It is drawing people into your world, and they enter and see it through your eyes. The Audio does the same it asks you to follow the Story Tellers as she takes you on the journey of the story and you are drawn to her voice as she is telling the story, exactly how she wrote it. I am looking forward to getting my first book it looks amazing. It is very well done. Don in Devon.
Brian Rudge
Brian RudgeBromsgrove
The books are very well written, I thoroughly enjoyed the stories, liked that they were short. I loved the characters with names. My only advice would be for a children’s book make the pictures much larger and that will brighten them up, so that the children can see the characters, but I liked the drawings. I loved it, I can not wait for book 2. Well done, keep going you are really good at them. I would like to read more of them, children will love them, I do.
Aeron Stanton
Aeron Stanton Aged 15
Review of Book one, In the garden. I have been personally asked to review The Mischievous Minty Cat Stories, Book one.
The new children’s short story book before anyone else sees it, as it not on the market yet.
I think that people will definitely enjoy reading them.
I have chosen The Exceptional Tobias Toad, as my favourite short story, from this book.
A brilliant read, very good images including the book cover of the garden, and I found it a very creative story.
Morgaineof MorgaineRoseArt
Hello there Kassie, Just looked at your website, your work is beautiful. All Best Wishes, Morgaine.
of MorgaineRoseArt
from YouTube live Painting Demos & Etsy Store.
Charlie Crow Reply to review